1.  Register on the Admissions portal by providing basic information and     creating a password for further access.
2.  Log in to the Admissions portal after registration and complete the         application form for your desired program.
3.  Upload the necessary documents via the designated link.
4.  The university will verify the provided information and generate a               merit list based on career achievements and/or entrance test                       rankings (as applicable for different programs). Seats will be                         allocated in preferred programs/branches according to the merit list.
5.  Upon seat allocation, candidates will receive notifications via SMS and                email on their registered mobile number and email address.
6.  Candidates allocated a seat must review their allotment details and submit       one time admission fees of Rs 20,000/- for UG program and Rs 10,000/-               for all PG program before the specified date mentioned in the Admission           Offer Letter. Failure to do so will result in the offer being canceled, and the       seat will be offered to the next candidate on the merit list.
7.  To finalize the admission process, candidates must report to the university         campus with original documents and semester fees by the reporting date       mentioned in the Admission Offer Letter/email. Failure to report on time           with the required documents and fees will result in the forfeiture of the             seat, which will then be offered to a candidate on the waiting list. In such         cases, no refunds will be issued for the seat acceptance fee.
8.  For all admission-related inquiries, please contact admission@silicon.ac.in